Texas Urogynecology and Laser Surgery Center specializes in minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery using the da Vinci surgical system. Minimally Invasive Surgery is now a choice for virtually every woman who wants minimal scarring and fast recovery.
Urogynecologic Surgery
Robotic Surgery (da Vinci System)
Bladder Sling for Urinary Incontinence
Burch (No Mesh) Incontinence Surgery
Sacrocolpopexy (Pelvic support surgery)
Vaginal Prolapse Surgery
InterStim for Overacitve Bladder
InterStim for Fecal Incontinence
Urogenital Fistual Repair
Urethral Bulking
Bladder Muscle Botox
Gynecologic Surgery
Scarless Single Incision Surgery
Hysterectomy (Laparoscopic or Robotic)
Uterine Fibroid Treatment (Myomectomy)
Removal of Ovarian Cysts and Tumors
Removal of One or Both Ovaries
Laser/Cone of Cervical Dysplasia
Infertility Surgery
Endometriosis Surgery (Laparoscopic Laser)
Tubal Ligation Reversal
Pelvic Pain Surgery (Presacral Neurectomy)
Surgical Correction of a Damaged Fallopian Tube (Neosalpingostomy)