Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center
Robotic Surgery & Cosmetic Gynecology Practice located in El Paso, TX
If you’ve experienced pelvic organ prolapse, you want to get your body back to normal as quickly as possible. A single procedure – a sacrocolpopexy – can restore your pelvis through minimally invasive surgery. Richard Farnam, MD, is a leader in performing safe and successful sacrocolpopexy surgeries. To learn more about how he can use this procedure to repair your pelvic area, call Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center or schedule your appointment at their El Paso, Texas, office online.
Sacrocolpopexy Q & A
What is pelvic organ prolapse?
Your pelvis is essentially a bowl that contains important organs, including your bladder, uterus, and rectum. The strong tissue in your pelvis usually holds these organs in place, but vaginal childbirth, aging, or other factors can weaken that tissue. When the tissue weakens, it can fail to support your organs, causing one or more of them to drop out of position. During pelvic organ prolapse, you can feel the out-of-place organ bulging down into – or even out of – the vagina.
Pelvic organ prolapse often comes with one or more of the following symptoms.
- The sense of pressure on the vagina or pelvis in general
- Urinary frequency or incontinence
- Constipation
- Painful intercourse
- Vaginal bleeding
What is sacrocolpopexy?
Sacrocolpopexy is an advanced pelvic organ prolapse repair procedure. In fact, it’s seen as the gold standard for advanced prolapse repair thanks to its extremely high success rate. During a sacrocolpopexy at Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center, Dr. Farnam uses the da Vinci® pelvic prolapse surgery technique to insert a surgical mesh that moves your organs to the proper place – and keeps them there.
The da Vinci robotic surgery enables Dr. Farnam to perform your sacrocolpopexy with just a few extremely small incisions in your abdomen. This minimizes your post-op pain, healing time, and scarring.
Who should perform my sacrocolpopexy?
Because it’s such an advanced procedure, a sacrocolpopexy is one of the most difficult ways to repair pelvic organ prolapse. Fortunately, Dr. Farnam is extremely experienced in this area. He has the top-tier surgical skills and extensive training needed to safely and successfully perform a sacrocolpopexy.
The American Urogynecology Society recommends that you only have a sacrocolpopexy from a urogynecologist that is board-certified, primarily practices prolapse surgery, and is properly trained – Dr. Farnam checks all those boxes. In fact, he is one of the nation’s leading experts in sacrocolpopexy surgery, having performed over 400 sacrocolpopexy procedures; ten times more than any other OB/GYN in the El Paso area. What’s more, he is one of only two directors for Intuitive Surgical’s advanced sacrocolpopexy training programs.
If you want to learn more about sacrocolpopexy surgery, call Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center or book your appointment online.